The Collaborative Impact Fund of Denver (CIFD) welcomes the appointment of its new Board of Directors. The CIFD Board will be vital in steering the direction of the CIFD’s mission and vision.

“CIFD has a unique opportunity to serve as an intermediary between city government priorities and the social sector,” said Erin Brown, CIFD Board Chair and VP of Community Impact & Investment at the Colorado Health Foundation. “So, I am quite pleased to have such skilled roster of veterans join us in leading this work.”

In addition, the Board members bring a host of strengths to CIFD’s repertoire with their extensive experience in both the private and public sectors. This includes community partnerships, historical affiliation, City and County of Denver connections, evaluation experience, and leadership experience.

The Board consists of eight professionals, who will serve at least two-to-three-year terms. The new CIFD Board members are:

  • Erin Brown, Vice President of Community Investment & Impact at the Colorado Health
    Foundation, CIFD Chair of the Board
  • Wil Alston, Director of the Denver Office of Nonprofit Engagement
  • Mary Coleman, Programs Manager at Voqal
  • Lori Darnel, JD, MSW., Assistant Professor at Metro State University Denver
  • Tim Maxwell, LSW, Principal & Executive Development Director of Karuna Care Services
  • Morris Price, Vice President of Grants & Impact at The Colorado Trust
  • Marcia Romero, VP and Community Affairs Manager at U.S. Bank
  • Ken Weil, Co-Founder and Principal of Social Impact Solutions

To learn more about the CIFD Board, click here.


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